Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Traditions- Part 1

The Christmas season is upon us.  I have been struggling with sharing the real meaning of the Christmas season with my children and yet allowing the "fun" things to filtrate our house.  I want more than anything for my children to love to serve others more than serving their own wants and needs.  This is extremely difficult when society, their friends, and their own sinful nature tells them that they deserve something newer, bigger, and more expensive than what they already own.  I pray everyday for their contentment and for God to reach down and grab a hold of their heart.  For them to recognize the blessings of the life they have and the desire to want to share this gift with others.
What a blessing to learn as a child that EVERYTHING belongs to God.  That no earthly treasure will last beyond this present life.  To know and understand that God wants your heart, but all your stuff gets in the way of this.  I pray that my children will become adults who have their hands open, not clenched shut.  Who will allow God to use them and their stuff for His glory and to bring others closer to Him
We started a new tradition this year to teach our kids more about Jesus, the person who's birth we celebrate on Christmas.  I found the idea in my monthly family magazine "Thriving Families" produced by Focus on the Family. 
Each night, our children listen to a verse or short passage that shares one of the many names Jesus is known by and then we discuss and illustrate the reason Jesus is known as this person.
Above everything else, this Christmas season we want our children to know that the little baby who was born in a manager, who grew into a young man and died for their sin is....
I am
The Word
Son of David
True Vine
Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Bread of Life
Lamb of God
Prince of Peace
Great High Priest
The Way
Holy and Righteous One
Son of God
Son of Man
King of Kings
Good Shepard
Light of the World
"When Jesus spoke again to the people he said, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
John 8:12
Gratitude Journal
*For the opportuntity to share in traditions old and new with my family.
*For the lights on the Christmas tree
*For the innocent excitement that this season brings

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