Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring has Sprung

The weather today was beautiful.  The trees are blooming, the temperature was in the mid-60's, and the sun was shinning.  It was a perfect day to head to the park.
This was Caroline's first experience walking at the park!  Last fall, she was still sitting and observing from the stroller.
At first, she was a bit unsure of walking on the mulch.
The swings are an all time favorite in our house!
The spinner is really fun, but makes you dizzy!
Andrew loves to play king of the mountain.
Emily on the monkey bars.
We had a great afternoon enjoying the sunshine, expending some energy, and playing!
Here are the rest of the pictures we took.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
Genesis 8:22

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