Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week in Pictures (July 8-14th)

Now that life is returning to "normal" and our family is getting back into the routine, we are enjoying the lazy days of summer break.  Which means sleeping in till 7:30 am; afternoons spent in the pool; and dinner hot off the grill. 
Unfortunately, we began the week with this!  Caroline tipped the playroom chair over and broke the bone in her arm.  They stabilized her arm on Monday night and sent us to an orthopedic clinic to have
them cast it.
On Tuesday, Daddy took Caroline to have her arm put in the cast.  She has done really well having a cast on her arm.  It hasn't slowed her down a bit.  The only adjustment was helping her figure out how to do some of the tasks she used two hands to complete.  The first night, she picked up her paci and tried to put it in her mouth using the arm in the cast.  The look on her face was priceless when she figured out her arm wouldn't bend enough to get the paci in her mouth.
The rest of the kids have spent the days doing much of the same.  They love to swim while Caroline is taking her afternoon nap.  Kate loves to sift through the rocks and make collections.  While Luke snoozes on the camping chairs, so Mommy can supervise.
Our dare devil, who "knock on wood" should have more than his fair share of broken bones at this point, but amazingly has none!
We celebrated our anniversary
Cards from our kids
So we don't forget how creative our Emily is.  This is the anniversary card she made for us.
We introduced Luke to his lovie in an attempt to sooth his fussiness.  This was a present from my Mom's friend Linda.  It is the perfect size for Luke to hold on to.

I wish I had taken a picture of this house that Emily made from a box before her brother Andrew got a hold of it.  She worked all week long designing this playhouse.  It really was adorable.  She had cut out four windows and painted the roof to look like shingles.  Regretfully, our child who loves to destroy everything in his path got a hold of the house when we were other wise preoccupied and tore the windows apart to make hair dryers and pick axes.  Pictured is the salvaged house that Emily repaired with a roll of tape and more imagination!

"He who seeks good finds goodwill."
Proverbs 11:27

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