Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Change in Perspective

I started attending Community Bible Study three weeks ago.  Currently, we are studying the book of Ephesians, which is also known as the "Joy Book".  Ephesians was written by the apostle Paul to his friends in Philippi during his imprisonment in Rome.  Throughout my study over the past three weeks, I have come to understand that Paul maintained a joyful attitude despite his situation and surroundings because of his dependence on God.  Paul's confidence that God will continue to work in and through him until his work is completed compels him to be joyful always.
What God initiates he intends to finish and he never gives up on us despite our imperfections.
That should give us complete trust and confidence to be joyful no matter what is happening in our life.
How amazing would it be to have Paul's joyful attitude?
Sure, I can wake up each morning with the best intentions and then little by little I allow the situations I encounter to erode away at my joyful attitude.  How can I prepare myself to face these situations that I know I will occur? 
By being intentional about giving thanks for everything that God has given me.
I intend to keep a journal of thanksgiving and at the end of this year, I fully expect that God will have worked in my life and others will recognize the change.
"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Ephesians 1:6

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