Friday, March 29, 2013

Luke is 10 Months

10 months Already!  I just want to freeze time and keep you this age a bit longer.  You are an absolute joy these days.  You have grown from a very high maintenance infant into a joyful and content little man.
You love to play paddy cake
and explore the world by grabbing it and putting straight into your mouth!
To our surprise, you got two teeth this month.

You are getting so close to crawling.
What are you doing this month?
You eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with many cheerios in between.
You ate rice cakes for the first time and love them.
You are still nursing full time, but we have to start working on weaning you a bit over this next month, so Mommy and Daddy can go on their cruise in May!
You take two naps and are in bed for the night around 7:00 pm.  You are still waking once around 3:00 am.  From past experience, you will probably continue this until I wean you at night.
You are all BOY!  You are loud, make lots of noises, and love to bang things.
You still hold court when your siblings are around.  Emily has made it her mission this month to work on crawling with you and you are Caroline's best friend.
You are our SUNSHINE and we absolutely adore you!
Happy 10th Month Luke
"Rejoice, and be exceeding glad:  for great is your reward in heaven."
Matthew 5:11-12
Gratitude Journal
For the first day of Spring Break
For a new covenant, a new plan that made it possible to rejoice in our eternity
For the excitement of Easter weekend
For the blessings of the last 10 months with Luke

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