Friday, July 27, 2012

2 Months

How is it possible that you can be two months old already?
You weighed 8 pounds 10 ounces this week when we took you for the GI consult and were 20 1/2 inches long. 
You still wear your newborn clothes and size one diapers.
You are becoming more alert and have started making cooing sounds.
Our favorite face you make has been nicknamed your "fish" face.
You were kind of fussy this month, so I mentioned it to the GI doctor and he suggested we try giving you Zantac and see if that makes you more comfortable after feedings.
You are a great nurser and are taking your pacifier pretty well also.
You prefer to be swaddled and will sleep contently when wrapped well.
You are waking up 2 times each night, but go right back to sleep after you nurse.
You are taking your naps mostly in the swing during the day, but sleep in the pack and play in our bedroom at night.
Honestly, even after having 8 babies, I had forgotten how little you actually accomplish when caring for a new little one.  Just getting showered and dressed is an accomplishment!  When I am having one of those moments that I just wish I had a little more time to myself, all it takes is staring into your eyes and I am instantly thankful beyond measure that God entrusted your life to me.  I pray that God will guide me to be the mother he has envisioned for you.  That I will demonstrate my love for Him and that this love will be passed on to you.  That you will see that I have a real authentic relationship with Him and want the same.

                                things you love                              
                                  1.  being swaddled                         
                                 2.  being outside                            
 3.  the swing
  4.  the moby
  5.  nursing
       6.  being held

 things you don't
 1. diaper changes
 2. sitting alone when you are awake

"Let me hear of Your unfailing love each morning; for I am trusting You.  Show me where to walk for I give myself to You."
Psalm 143:8

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