We would not have been able to make it through this time without the support we received from our parents. They each spent over a week at our house watching our other children and then both took children home with them so Brett and I could be at the hospital with Luke. Friends from our life group at church provided meals, groceries, and many prayers. We received cards from many family members, friends of my parents, and others telling us they were praying for Luke's full recovery and for our family. Friends of my parents contacted friends they knew who lived in Augusta and arranged for me to stay with them while I was in Augusta with Luke. The outpouring of support and prayers sustained Brett and I during this time and allowed Luke to do as well as he did.
23 days in the NICU
Luke on his way to the helicopter for his transfer to MCG Hospital in Augusta
His first and hopefully only helicopter ride!
Vent settings were finally decreased, which put us one step closer to coming off the vent!
Off the vent, starting to show signs of getting better.
A lot of our time in the hospital was spent watching Luke sleep, gain strength, and get better.
Final steps- off the nasal cannula and feeding tube
Moved to my big boy bed. I'm just days away from going home!
Day before discharge-having my carseat test completed.
In my carseat, ready to leave the NICU for home.
A picture of me riding home from the hospital.
"Rejoice with those who rejoice; Mourn with those who mourn."
Romans 12:15
We love him so much! I can't wait to meet him - hoping to plan an end of summer weekend visit with Chloe and Charlie :-)!